e-Portfolio Session 7 (September 24)
Session 7 (September 24)
Meybeline Acosta U. B90046
1) Hanging: /ˈhæŋ.ɪŋ/ Noun
The act of killing someone, especially as a punishment for a serious crime, by dropping that person with a rope tied around their neck.
E.g. The hanging is a torture technique that some people used in the past.
2) Resistant: /rɪˈzɪs.tənt/ Adjective
not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas.
E.g. Some houses are resistant in a stormi.
3) Delayed: /dɪˈleɪd/ Adjective
Happening at a later time than expected or intended.
E.g. My flight is delayed.
4) Gathering: /ˈɡæð.ɚ.ɪŋ/ Noun
A party or a meeting when many people come together as a group.
E.g. We are going to a family gathering.
5) Unrealistic: /ˌʌn.riː.əˈlɪs.tɪk/ Adjective
Having a wrong idea of what is likely to happen or of what you can really do; not based on facts.
E.g. Sometimes, people are in a unrealistic life.
6) Breakthrough: /ˈbreɪk.θruː/ Noun
An important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem.
E.g. Scientists had an amazing breakthrough in a treatment.
7) Stigma: /ˈstɪɡ.mə/ Noun
A strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair.
E.g. For many people being a homosexual person carries a social stigma.
8) Undergone: /ˌʌn.dɚˈɡoʊ/ Verb
To experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change.
E.g. They undergo to serious disease in their heart.
9) Lockdowns: /ˈlɑːk.daʊn/ Noun
A situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency.
E.g. I had a lockdown on my neighborhood.
10) Surge: /sɝːdʒ/ Noun
A sudden and great increase.
E.g. My mother feel a surge of happiness.
11) Spike: /spaɪk/ Noun
A narrow, thin shape with a sharp point at one end, or something, especially a piece of metal, with this shape.
E.g. The spike was on the floor.
12) Struggle: /ˈstrʌɡ.əl/ Noun
A very difficult task that you can do only by making a great effort.
E.g. My aunt had a financial struggle with the bank.
13) Misery: /ˈmɪz.ɚ.i/ Noun
Great unhappiness.
E.g. There is a lot of misery in African countries.
14) Wildfire: /ˈwaɪld.faɪr/ Noun
A fire that is burning strongly and out of control on an area of grass or bushes in the countryside.
E.g. There was a wildfire on the Amazonas.
15) Snowfall: /ˈsnoʊ.fɑːl/ Noun
The amount of snow that falls in a particular area during a particular period, or a fall of snow.
E.g. They had a big snowfall the last season.
Very good!