e-Portfolio Session 9 (October 8)

  Session 9 (October 8)

Meybeline Acosta U. B90046

1) Frickle: /ˈfɪk.əl/ Adjective

Likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason:

E.g. I am so fickle! I can not take a decision about my future career.

2) Cult: /kʌlt/ Noun

A religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people. 

E.g. Some people belong to religious cult.

3) Ban: /bæn/ Verb 

To forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially. 

E.g. He has been banned from the game. 

4) Faded: /ˈfeɪ.dɪd/ Adjective

Less bright in colour than before. 

E.g. I had a faded jeans.

5) Resurface:  /ˌriːˈsɝː.fɪs/ Verb 

To put a new surface on a road. 

E.g. The boat begin to resurface from the ocean. 

6) Workload: /ˈwɝːk.loʊd/ Noun 

The amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time. 

E.g. I had a heavy workload today.  

7) Suburb: /ˈsʌb.ɝːb/ Noun 

An area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live.

E.g. Brazil has many suburbs 

8) Convene: /kənˈviːn/ Verb 

To bring together a group of people for a meeting, or to meet for a meeting. 

E.g.  I will convene a meeting with my coworkers.

9) Crowd:  /kraʊd/ Noun 

A large group of people who have come together.

E.g. There is a crowd at the concert. 

10) Fall: /fɑːl/ Verb 

To suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground without intending to or by accident.

E.g. I fall asleep yesterday on my bed. 

11) Adjustment: /əˈdʒʌst.mənt/ Noun 

A small change.

E.g. I need to make some adjustments to my homework.

12) Worrisome: /ˈwɝː.i.səm/ Adjective 


E.g. I feel worrisome about my assault. 

13) Burdensome: /ˈbɝː.dən.səm/ Adjective 

Causing difficulties or work

E.g. the burdensome responsibilities of adult life. 

14) Outperform: /ˌaʊt.pɚˈfɔːrm/ Verb 

To do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type. 

E.g. I outperformed to my rivals in the career. 

15) Fraught: /frɑːt/ Adjective

Full of unpleasant things such as problems or dangers. 

E.g. I had a fraught situation in my house. 


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