e-Portfolio: Session 5 (September 10)


 Session 5 (September 10) 

Meybeline Acosta U. B90046

1) Captive/ˈkæp.tɪv/ Adjective 
A person or animal whose ability to move or act freely is limited by being kept in a space; a prisoner, especially a person held by the enemy during a war. 
E.g. There is a captive animal at the zoo. 

2) Breeding:  /ˈbriː.dɪŋ/ Noun 
The keeping of animals or plants in order to breed from them. 
E.g. The breeding of rats be used for experiments. 

3) Widespread/ˌwaɪdˈspred/ Adjective 
existing or happening in many places and/or among many people. 
E.g. I live in a widespread neighborhood. 

4) Allegdly/əˈledʒ.ɪd.li/ Adverb 
Used when something illegal or wrong is said to have been done, but has not been proved.
E.g. He was allegedly a thief. 

5) Ragged: /ˈræɡ.ɪd/ Adjective 
(of clothes) torn and not in good condition.
E.g. I have some ragged clothes. 

6) Rugged /ˈrʌɡ.ɪd/ Adjective 
(of land) wild and not even; not easy to travel over.
E.g. The way has a rugged terrain. 

7) Tape:  /teɪp/ Noun 
Thin plastic in a long, narrow strip with a magnetic covering that allows sounds or sounds and pictures to be recorded and played again, especially one on which sound is recorded. 
E.g. My father has a tape in his bag. 

8) Stuff/stʌf/ Noun 
A substance, especially when you do not know or say exactly what it is. 
E.g. I don't know how I can say that stuff. 

9) Fang/fæŋ/ Noun 
A long, sharp tooth. 
E.g. The lion has two fangs in its mouth. 

10) Strip/strɪp/ Verb 
To remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something. 
E.g. The The hurricane stripped with all the trees 

11) Pile: /paɪl/ Noun 
Objects positioned one on top of another. 
E.g. I have to wash a pile of dirty clothes.

12) Envy/ˈen.vi/ Verb 
To wish that you had something that another person has
E.g. My friends envy my new shoes. 

13) Boisterous/ˈbɔɪ.stɚ.əs/ Adjective 
Noisy, energetic, and rough.
E.g. My cousin is a boisterous kid. 

14) Herd/hɝːd/ Noun 
A large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together. 
E.g. My grandfather has a herd of cows. 

15) Beg/beɡ/ Verb 
To make a very strong and urgent request. 
E.g. They beg in the street


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