e-Portfolio Session 6 (September 17)

 Session 6 (September 17)

Meybeline Acosta U. B90046

1) Commitment/kəˈmɪt.mənt/ Noun 
A promise or firm decision to do something. 
E.g. All of us have a commitment with the nature. 

2) Captivity: /ˈkæp.tɪv/ Noun 
A person or animal whose ability to move or act freely is limited by being kept in a space; a prisoner, especially a person held by the enemy during a war. 
E.g. Many animals live in captivity.

3) Deprivation: /ˌdep.rəˈveɪ.ʃən/ Noun 
A situation in which you do not have things or conditions that are usually considered necessary for a pleasant life. 
E.g. Some animals have deprivation in their life.

4) Encroach on: /ɪnˈkroʊtʃ/ Phrasal Verb 
To gradually take away someone else's rights, or to take control of someone's time, work.
E.g. The wild animals encroach on others habitats. 

5) Painful:  /ˈpeɪn.fəl/ Adjective
Causing emotional or physical pain. 
E.g. The injury of my leg was so painful. 

6) Wildlife: /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ Noun 
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. 
E.g. The tiger has a wildlife. 

7) Harm: /hɑːrm/ Noun 
Physical or other injury or damage. 
E.g. There is not harm in anybody.

8) Soar: /sɔːr/ Verb 
To rise very quickly to a high level. 
E.g. Lifestyle soars every year. 

9) Crown:  /kraʊn/ Noun 
A circular decoration for the head, usually made of gold and jewels (= precious stones), and worn by a king or queen at official ceremonies. 
E.g. She has a crown on her head. 

10) Rodents: /ˈroʊ.dənt/ Noun 
Any of various small mammals with large, sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats. 
E.g. There is a rodent in my house.

11) Anesthesia: /ˌæn·əsˈθi·ʒə/ Noun 
The condition of not feeling pain, esp. by use of special drugs.
E.g. Some people use drugs as anesthesia.

12) Stimulus: /ˈstɪm.jə.ləs/ Noun 
Something that causes growth or activity. 
E.g. The cat responded to the stimulus of the sound.

13) Warrant: /ˈwɔːr.ənt/ Noun 
An official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action.
E.g. He has the warrant of the state.

14) Quarry: /ˈkwɑr·i, ˈkwɔr·i/ Noun 
a person or animal being hunted or looked for. 
E.g. The rats are quarry for the cats.

15) Gauge: /ɡeɪdʒ/ Verb 
To calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device. 
E.g. The tape-measure gauge the height. 


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