e-Portafolio Session 11 (October 22)
e-Portafolio Session 11 (October 22) Meybeline Acosta U. B90046 1) Deadline: /ˈded.laɪn/ Noun A time or day by which something must be done. E.g. The deadline to upload the exam is tomorrow. 2) Reach : /ritʃ/ Verb To get to or as far as. E.g. I reached my personal target 3) Bucket : /ˈbʌkɪt/ Noun A deep, round container with a flat bottom, an open top, and a handle; pail. E.g . My mother has many bucket of water. 4) Afford : /əˈfɔrd/ Verb To be able to meet the expense of or pay for. E.g . I can afford a new house. 5) Orbit: /ˈɔrbɪt/ Verb To move or travel around in an orbital or rounded path. E.g . The satellite orbits the space. 6) Thrill: /θrɪl/ Verb To (cause to) feel a sudden wave of emotion or excitement. E.g. The good new thrilled me so much. 7) Regret : /rɪˈgrɛt/ Verb To feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, event, etc.) E.g....